Welcome to Fall … cooler days and beautiful foliage!
The year , 2020, has truly been unique in so many ways. Just as the Senior Club was to reopen, the Covid-19 pandemic closed just about everything … schools, churches, malls, businesses… and our highways and cities became deserted and ghostlike.
However, after 7 months living with the pandemic, places are reopening and a “new normal” pervades our lifestyle. Our senior population has been greatly impacted by the virus physically, financially, and psychologically. During these months, the International Senior Club has maintained a presence in the lives of seniors through Zoom, teleconferencing, lunch deliveries, and grocery distribution for needy seniors.
Until we can once again reunite safely, let’s try to stay healthy and remain active physically and mentally. Here are some tips to help you do so:
Books: American Dirt by Jeanine Cummins (Anyone interested in a book club? Contact me @(401)569-9514)
Exercise: Silver&fit/YouTube (Daily exercise classes @1:00PM. The classes are recorded and can be accessed anytime). They include cardio, yoga, and weights and balance.
Virtual Program Learning: Connect and register with agefriendlyri.org
Remember to do the following:
1. Get a FLU shot
2. Check out annual open enrollment for MEDICARE now
3. Follow the 3 W’s to stay safe
Wash your hands
Wear your mask
Watch your distance
Joyce Collard, International Senior Club advisor