This week is critical in advocating for the Driver's License For All Bill (HB 5305). We want to try to avoid it being postponed to next year's legislative session! To do this, we need your help to reach out to elected representatives and ask them to take the bill to the floor for a vote this year.
IMPORTANT ACTION ITEM If you're able, call the office of House Speaker Shekarchi today and encourage them to address this important bill before the legislative session ends. Every phone call is a reminder that this bill will create safer roads in Rhode Island. (see a phone script below)
THE GOOD NEWS This is the first year that the Driver's License For All Bill (HB 5305) passed the committee and the Senate. This means the hard work of advocates, community members, advocacy organizations, elected officials, and faith leaders, like you, is making an impact. Thank you!
House Speaker Shekarchi | |(401) 222-2447
District Representative Address Book - click here